Fee Schedule
Share Savings Account Fees
Service | Fee |
Dormant/Inactive Fee | $5.00/month |
checking account fees
Service | Fee |
NSF/Courtesy Pay Fee for transactions over $5.00 | $25.00/item |
NSF/Courtesy Pay Fee via ATM/Debit transaction over $5.00 | $25.00/item |
Money Market Excessive Withdrawal Fee (if 6 withdrawals or more in one month) | $10.00/month |
Money Market Minimum Balance Fee (if minimum balance not maintained) | $10.00/month |
Release Stop Payment Fee | $5.00/request |
Check Copy Fee (first five copies free; additional copies $.50/item) | Free |
Stop Payment Fee (Applies to: Visa, Credit Union Issued Checks, Money Orders & ACH Items) | $25.00/item |
Counter Checks - Book of 12 (one book free per year; $5.00 additional book) | Free |
Paper Statement Fee (Great Perks & Great Advantage only) | $3.00/month |
business account fees
(In addition to the Checking Account Fees, Miscellaneous Service Fees, and Electronic Funds Transfer Fees)
Service | Fee |
Coin Purchase | $.05/roll |
Currency Purchase | $.05/$100.00 |
Security Deposit Bags - High Volume Business (first bag free; additional bags $15.00 each) | Free |
Other Accounts | $15.00/each |
Zipper Deposit Bags (first two bags free; additional bags $5.00 each) | Free |
safe deposit box fees
Service | Fee |
3"x5" | $15.00 annual |
3"x10" | $25.00 annual |
5"x5" (not available in Long Beach or Ocean Park) | $20.00 annual |
5"x10" | $40.00 annual |
10"x10" | $70.00 annual |
Safe Deposit Box Replacement Key | $10.00/key |
Loss of two keys | $75.00 to drill |
Rush Drilling Fee | $300.00 |
card fees
Service | Fee |
Card Replacement Fee | $7.50/card |
Rush Fee | $45.00/card |
ISA Fee (International Service Assessment Fee) | 2% of transaction |
Visa Stop Payment Fee | $25.00/request |
Card Reactivation Fee | $25.00/request |
electronic funds transfer fees
Service | Fee |
Non-Proprietary ATM Withdrawal Fee | $.50 |
miscellaneous service fees
Applicable to All Accounts
Service | Fee |
Check Cashing Fee (Share Account with less than $100 and no other CU services) | $1.00/item |
Check Exchange | $5.00/item |
Contract Collection Fee | $7.00/month |
Contract Collection Setup Fee | $100.00 |
Copy Machine Usage Fee (first page free additional pages $.25/page) | Free |
Convenience Payment Fee (loan payment over the phone or online with card) | $12.00 |
Credit Union Issued Check Fee | $3.00/check |
Fax Usage Fee (Outgoing) | $1.00/page |
Garnishment/Levy Fee | $25.00 |
Invalid Address Fee | $3.00/month |
IRA/HSA Annual Fee | $15.00/year |
IRA/HSA Setup Fee | $15.00 |
Money Order Fee | $2.00/item |
Money Order Fee (Platinum Plus Account) | $1.00/item |
Notary Public (fees may differ for services provided if you use a Service Center location in a different region; all fees are subject to change.) |
Free |
Remote Online Notary ($10 fee for eligible acts + actual costs, capped at $20) |
up to $20/act |
Research Fee (one hour minimum) | $25.00/hour |
Statement Copy Fee | $2.00/page |
Third Party Check Fee | $5.00/item |
Wire Transfer Fee (domestic) | $15.00/transfer |
Wire Transfer Fee (international) | $35.00/transfer |